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BC Centre for Ability’s Executive Director, Angela Kwok Winner of 2016 Inspiring Social Worker

Angela Kwok was one of three recipients of the 2016 Inspiring Social Worker of the Year awards on November 4-5, 2016 at the BC Association of Social Workers Conference.

Find out more about Angela
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2016 Community Partners Awarded by the BC Centre for Ability

At the BC Centre for Ability’s Annual General Meeting three distinct Community Partners were recognized for their outstanding commitment and support to the Centre in delivering on its mission.

View the Recipients
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The Power of Social and Emotional Learning

It matters when children can’t manage their feelings or make friends. As a society we take for granted the role emotional and social capabilities play in building children’s character and resiliency. And we’ve neglected to address its significance among children with special needs. But when children were being kicked out of school and parents were desperate for help, BC Centre for Ability knew it had to do something.

Find out how BCCFA helped
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Tamara Taggart Makes Dreams Come True

You can’t help but be drawn to Tamara Taggart’s fiery spirit and commendable leadership toward important causes in our community: one being raising awareness and resources to support people living with disabilities.

Find out about Tamara's Impact