Meet Rebekah! Rebekah grew up in Ireland and moved to Vancouver 3 years ago, in the summer of 2018. She originally came here on a 2-year working holiday visa, which eventually, and unexpectedly, evolved into permanent residency.

Joining the BCCFA Team

When Rebekah first moved to Vancouver, she wasn’t entirely sure what she wanted to do for work. After moving into her apartment, she went for a walk around her neighbourhood and saw BCCFA. She later went online and found a job posting on the BCCFA website. She applied for the position and was offered an interview, and in the following days received a job offer.

“[The role] was originally to cover a mat leave position, but thankfully there was a turn in events and opportunities kept coming my way. I am super lucky and thrilled to still be here!”

Rebekah is a Junior Project Manager– a role that was recently added to BCCFA.

“This is a new role to the organization so it is super exciting and continues to grow and evolve every day. At the moment, we have just launched our new Client Management Database (Salesforce) so my day to day is a lot of me supporting staff in the new system. I also hold a Salesforce Administration Certification, so I also help resolve issues and bugs in the system, as well as continuing to enhance and grow the system to better meet the needs of our staff and clients.”

What do you like about working at BCCFA?

“I feel heard, supported and valued. Knowing that the work our staff do and the service we provide to our clients can be so impactful, it makes you and your work feel really important. Our staff, my team and BCCFA as a whole, all have the same goal in mind: supporting and serving our clients the best that we can.”

Meet Rebekah’s brother David – The First Irish Track Athlete to Attend the SUDS European Trigames

Rebekah’s connection to BCCFA’s mission and services goes beyond her dedication to improving client services.

Rebekah’s brother David was diagnosed with Down Syndrome shortly after he was born in November 1999. Since day one, David has been fighting against the odds and exceeding expectations.

“From the doctors telling my parents he may never walk, talk or live past childhood to seeing him become the funniest, most loving and hardworking young man is so inspirational.”

David joined the Special Olympics when he was 6 and entered his first competition when he was 7.

“The Special Olympics community is far more than an athletics club – it is a community of people who love and support one another, and fight each other’s battles and celebrate each other’s wins!”

Since then, he has brought home countless medals and trophies – a reflection of his determination and love for sports.

Recently, David travelled to Italy to be the first Irish Athlete to compete at the SUDS (Sports Union for athletes with Down Syndrome) European Tri-Games, an event that brings together people from all over Europe to compete for a week.

“It was an amazing experience for David and he got to make so many new friends. I got asked recently who my hero was, and without hesitation, my answer will always be my brother David.”