To see five-year-old Kingston now, you wouldn’t guess he’s a little boy who might never have been able to talk.

Family photo of Kingston with his twin brother and parents

A mother waits, and a child responds. The words, “I love you mommy,” from a five year old boy speaks volumes.

Kingston Riley was born with a rare neurological disorder of Sturge Weber. Excessive blood vessel growth on his brain’s surface resulted in seizures and developmental delay. To treat the seizures, parent Sean and Tracy agreed to radical surgery when Kingston was 14 months. In disconnecting his left and right brain, a portion was removed where speech capacity is housed.

Following surgery, Kingston was not expected to make more than a few sounds. But expectations can change, thanks to the BC Centre for Ability. Parents Sean and Tracy have seen remarkable progress in Kingston – walking and some talking. Today, the little boy is cheerful and communicative.