bc-cfa.org Privacy Policy

We are committed to maintaining confidentiality and personal privacy.

Collection, use, disclosure and retention of personal information is subject to, and must comply with, the provisions of the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

The purpose of this privacy notice is to describe our practices regarding personal information use and collection through this website. Please note that we do not disclose, give, sell or transfer any personal information about our website visitors unless required for law enforcement or otherwise provided for by law.

We reserve the right to update this policy at any time. Users are responsible for reviewing this document periodically for changes.

Collection & use of information

What is personal information?

Personal information means recorded information about an identifiable individual other than business contact information and would include, but is not limited to, such things as an individual’s name, address, birth date, email address, and phone number.

What kind of information is being collected and how is it used?

bc-cfa.org is authorized to collect and use personal information for purposes that are directly related to and necessary for our authorized programs and activities or, in appropriate circumstances, with your consent (s. 26(c)(d)) of FIPPA for the purposes described below. Information is collected from the website either directly from you or automatically.

Information collected directly from you

Personal information is collected through our websites in certain circumstances, such as when you send an email message to us, complete a questionnaire, form or other online survey, or sign-up for our newsletter* on our website.

We only use the personal information you provide to us through our websites for purposes consistent with its collection.

You should also be aware that information provided by you becomes a record of the organization and is subject to the access and privacy protection requirements set out in FIPPA.

This information may be further collected, used and disclosed in accordance with that Act or as otherwise required by law. Under this legislation you are also entitled to access and correct any of your personal information that is within our custody and control. You may make such requests by contacting us at the information listed below.

*bc-cfa.org uses a third party to support newsletter publishing, distribution, and tracking reader’s activity (opens, clicks, etc). The third party vendor and its servers are located within the United States. You may unsubscribe at any time.

Information collected automatically (Cookies)

This website may use cookies to store your preferences or to maintain your logged in state on the website. These cookies are small text files provided to your browser by the web server and are sent back to the server on subsequent visits to pages on the site. You may choose to disable cookies in your browser however doing so may limit the usage of features or functionality on the website.

The server this website is hosted on records access to the website including, among other details: the IP address, browser version, and operating system provided by the browser when requesting a page. This information may be used in aggregate form for analytical purposes but is not used to personally identify any visitors to the website.

Information submitted through forms on the website, including personal information, will be recorded and saved to a database on the server. This information may also be forwarded to an email address to notify us of the submission. If you have an account and are signed in when submitting a form, or performing other actions this information may be associated with your account. Your IP address may also be associated with your account when signed in to the website.

This site also uses Google Analytics. To find out more about how Google uses data when you visit a partner's site or app please visit: https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites


bc-cfa.org is obligated to protect your personal information by making reasonable security arrangements against such risks as unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure or disposal. Security measures have been integrated into the design, implementation and day-to-day operating practices as part of bc-cfa.org’s continuing commitment to the protection of personal information it holds.

Contact us

For questions about the collection or use or your information or the content of this policy, contact us at 604-451-5511.