What is Supported Child Development at the BC Centre for Ability?
The Supported Child Development Program (SCD) assists families of children who require additional support to access inclusive child care programs. Working with daycares, preschools, family daycares and out of school care programs, we provide consultation services and extra staffing assistance to ensure inclusive practices for children who have a demonstrated need for extra support.
We also provide help and information to parents so they can access the kind of care that best suits their child’s needs, and administer financial support on behalf of the Ministry of Children and Family Development.
Who Do We Serve?
SCD provides support for child care staff, families and their children, up to 12 years of age, in licensed daycare, preschool or out of school care programs. Youth, 13 to 19 years of age are considered on an individual basis. Children and youth who reside or attend a child care program in Vancouver or Burnaby are eligible for SCD services from the BC Centre for Ability.
Aboriginal Supported Child Development (ASCD) Programs support Indigenous children who require additional support in a childcare setting. Families with children who are living or attending childcare programs in the Burnaby, New Westminster and Tri-cities area can access ASCD at Spirit of the Children. Families with children who are living or attending childcare programs in Vancouver can access ASCD at Vancouver Aboriginal Health Society.
Why is Supported Child Development Important?
Supported Child Development is guided by the following principles:
- Inclusion: the right of all children, regardless of their ability, to participate actively in child care settings within their communities.
- Family Centred: the belief that families know their child best and the needs of the family as a whole are honoured. Family strength, stability, history, culture and dignity are respected and form the foundation for services.
- Individual Planning: the service process is guided by family concerns, priorities and resources. Families are active participants in the process and have flexibility in determining who will develop the plan and who will act as the service coordinator.
- Collaboration: the family members and service providers work together in a team based approach to gather and review information, plan, implement and evaluate intervention goals, determine objectives and strategies tailored to the child’s unique developmental needs. Team meetings are held as required to support parents and problem solve.
- Diversity: the design and delivery model of SCD is respectful and responsive to ethnicity, financial circumstances, language and culture.
What Do We Offer?
SCD assists families in finding options and available spaces in licensed daycare, preschool and out-of-school care programs as well as support families by providing information on child care subsidies, community resources, and access to the SCD toy lending libraries.
Our SCD Consultants work directly with families and in collaboration with child care programs and other members of a child’s team to develop individual plans to meet the needs of the child. SCD Consultants also assists with community and kindergarten transitions.
SCD Consultants assist licensed or licensed not required daycare, preschool and out of school care programs and family child care programs by providing consultation that supports the understanding and implementation of inclusive principles and practices. The SCD consultants use a wide variety of strategies to teach, demonstrate and support child care program staff in the use of effective strategies when including children with extra support needs. These strategies include direct hands on support and modelling of interaction styles as well as workshops and training opportunities on inclusion and other specific child care related topics such as social emotional skill development. Child care program staff may access our toy lending libraries for toys and equipment to enhance their child care programs.
The SCD Program provides additional funding for staffing support to assist with the inclusion of children with extra needs to be successful in a child care program. There is a waitlist for this funding – the eligibility and priority are determined through the Coast Fraser Regional Waiting List Priority Tool.
The SCD Program is advised by a Local Advisory Committee that guides and supports the SCD Program in the delivery and ongoing development of services. Parents, child care program staff, and community partners can have a voice in guiding and supporting the SCD Program by joining their Local Advisory Committee.
Where Are Services Delivered?
The BC Centre for Ability provides Supported Child Development services in Vancouver and Burnaby.
How to Access Supported Child Development Services:
A physician referral is not necessary to access the BC Centre for Ability Supported Child Development services. Self-referrals from parent and guardians or referrals from community and medical professionals are accepted. For self-referrals or referrals please use the BCCFA Referral Form or email our Intake Consultant at SCDIntake@bc-cfa.org.
Deadline for Referral
If a child is entering kindergarten this upcoming September and not currently attending any child care program or attending part time preschool only and ongoing child care or After School Care is not required referrals will not be processed after Dec 31st.
*Acceptations may be possible
Contact Information
Josh Miller
Director, Child and Youth Development
Phone: 604-451-5511 ext. 1425
Email: Josh.Miller@bc-cfa.org