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Social Emotional Resources

Social Emotional Fact Sheets

Social Emotional Development and Learning

High School Transition Resources

BCCFA Transitioning to High School Guide

Social Emotional Best Practices

Effective Social Emotional Learning ProgramsCollaborative for Social Emotional Learning (CASEL)Pre-K to AdolescentsLearn More
Handbook of Social Emotional Learning: Research and PracticeThe Guildford PressPre-K to AdolescentsLearn More


Social and Emotional Learning in Schools: From Programs to Strategies
Stephanie M. Jones and Suzanne M. Bouffard
Sustained Effects of the PATHS Curriculum on the Social and Psychological Adjustment of Children in Special Education
Chi-Ming Kam, Mark T. Greenberg, and Carol A. Kusché
The Connection between Social Emotional Learning and Learning Disabilities: Implications for Intervention
Maurice J. Elias
Identifying and Reinforcing Islands of Competence in Children with Special Needs
Robert Brooks, PhD


The Devereux Institute for Resilient Children. Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA)