What is the Stepping Stones Program?
Social and emotional development and mental wellness is important to all children. Stepping Stones provides opportunities for children, youth and families to participate in social events such as Family-Together Nights. Parents can also participate in training and education on social emotional development and mental wellness. Workshops provided can also help parents and children prepare for transitions such as to Kindergarten and High School. Limited children’s groups provide children who are group ready with opportunities to learn and practice social emotional competencies.
Social workers can provide support for children and youth with extra needs and their families by working together with schools and community-based service organizations to provide consultation, resources and expertise. Requests for professional development workshops focused on social emotional development and learning can be requested by individual schools, districts and community organizations who work with vulnerable children.
Who Do We Serve?
We serve children and youth with neuro-developmental conditions, and their families, who live in Vancouver, Richmond, Burnaby, or North Shore. Children and youth must be current or former clients of the BCCFA to be eligible for Stepping Stones.
Why is Stepping Stones Important?
The Stepping Stones program is dedicated to providing social and emotional learning opportunities where children and their families learn skills and strategies to regulate emotions, handle stress, identify strengths and values, and maintain a sense of self-confidence.
Developing social and emotional competencies in children results in the ability to form close and secure relationships with adults and peers as well as to regulate and express their feelings in socially and culturally appropriate ways.
Self-regulation and social awareness are stepping stones to building an important foundation for success and an overall better quality of life at home, in school, and in the community.