In this section, you will dive a little bit deeper and think about your next steps within your new role. Pair up with a buddy as you get settled in, explore ways that you can connect with your Team and other departments. In your first week, your main priority should be reviewing a number of courses that are mandatory to meet WorkSafeBC and CFA requirements. Please complete the items below in your first week and email a copy of your results to
Getting Started on Your First Week
Prevention & Safety First !
Safety and prevention are about minimizing risk, making wise choices, and actively managing your health. There are some very basic and general actions that you can take in an effort to ensure that workplace accidents and injuries don’t happen to you. Putting these tips into practice will help you and your coworkers avoid costly accidents.
Privacy & Access Fundamentals Training
All new BCCFA hires are required to register and complete the Privacy and Information Training module. Please click the link below and follow the steps below.
How to complete the course:
- Visit the FOIPPA Foundations course online. This course is free. No payment is required.
- Open the course material by selecting Module 1 and complete the module. Follow the same steps for Modules 2 and 3, ensuring to read through each module.
- Upon successful completion of Module 3 and the exam, the course will prompt you to retrieve a certificate of course exam completion. A pop-up box will appear where you will enter your first and last name. Once entered, the certificate will automatically download
- Please forward this certificate to and cc your supervisor.
Key Details for this week
Complete key tasks
- If you haven’t already done so, be sure to complete all the forms necessary and send them to Human Resources
- Set up your personal workspace
- If your job duties can be completed at the comfort of your own home or at the Centre, speak with your Leader or Team in advance on what to prioritize first
Connecting with your Leader
- Prepare questions for your first several meetings with your manager and review your job description, outline of duties and expectations.
- Understand what platforms your team is using to communicate and connect; clarify when remote employees must be online and available and which forms of communication require an immediate response and which are less urgent.
- Inquire about staff meetings and regularly scheduled activities
- Discuss constructive feedback and how it will be shared
- Request time to go over the performance review and goal-setting process in your department.
- Schedule your three to six month performance check in
Build Relationships
- Review your departments organizational chart
- Set up meetings with your Team and other key employees (one on one or group)
- Build rapport on how to collaborate with other departments and understand their initiatives and vision
- Plan to meet with co-workers, direct reports and employees from other departments with whom you’ll work closely
Training and Development
- Talk with your manager about role based training
- Identify which colleagues and departments are a resource for questions and answers to provide support while you are training
- Follow up with your manager or Team with any questions regarding expectations for your role
- Schedule training with your IT department/contact
- Set up can take a significant amount of time. Plan for up to an hour.
- Remote employees should become familiar with file-sharing applications and software, VPN connection, password management
Learning ADP + 2024 & 2025 Timesheet Due Dates
- Understand how to input your own Timecard, employee profile, view accrued hours and navigate through the website for resources
- Navigating through different portals and different areas that are needed in the employment profile
- Set aside time with your Leader/Team mate to go over how to pull reports
Umbrella of knowledge
Here, you will find the amazing CFA Leaders that shape each department. It’s a resource tool to help you know who to reach out to if you have any questions, feedback or even just a chat !
ADP Workforce Now
ADP is a managing platform for all payroll, Employee and HR processes. This includes employees inputting their timekeeping, vacation requests and any ADP resources available.
To learn more about it, click this link.
Essential Reading
Got lost?
Do you ever get lost in a building or ask yourself what floor you are on? Don’t worry, it’s normal. By now you should have had your building tour, but we wanted to make sure the important floor plan documents are easy enough for you to find whenever you need it.
Union Info!
Are you part of HSA or BCGEU? Please contact your Union Steward for your union orientation.
- Claire Brown –
- Alexandra Kirincic –
- Serita Spenard –
- Christine Rao –
- Angela Wu –
- Joanna Milinkovic –